The world is a wonderful place full of exciting adventures. At PARA’KITO®, we want you to embrace this world, to travel, to explore, to enjoy its beauty, all naturally free from the nuisance of insects. PARA’KITO® is your caring, natural, effective protection.

The PARA’KITO® Promise

Inside or outside, we never stop caring about your comfort and well-being. That’s why we use only natural active ingredients and that’s why we constantly research the best possible products before bringing them to you.

Our Values

Active Ingredients: We only use natural essential oils in all our products, expertly controlled to meet the highest standard of quality.

Carbon Footprint: We are committed to reducing our greenhouse gases emissions: our team works on improving our footprints through optimizing our logistic flows, selecting new low-carbon materials and offering reusable, refillable solutions for our range of products.

Eco-friendly: Our packaging contains recycled materials. Some of our suppliers are zero waste to landfill and we work towards more eco and social partnerships for our next innovative projects.