How To Say Mosquito In 36 Languages

How To Say Mosquito In 36 Languages

Find out how to say Mosquito in at least 36 languages:

Afrikaans (muskiet), Arabe (al-Ba'oudha), Chinois (wenzhi), Croate (komarac), Tchèque (komar), Danois (myg), Néerlandais (mug), Anglais (mosquito), Finnois (hyttynen), Français (moustique), Allemand (Mücke), Grec (kounoupi), Hawaïen (mokika), Hébreu (yatoosh), Hindi (macchar), Hongrois (szúnyog), Indonésien (nyamuk), Italien (zanzara), Japonais (ka), Coréen (mogi), Letton (ods), Malais (nyamuk), Mongol (shumuul), Norvégien (mygg), Polonais (moskit), Portugais (mosquito), Quechua (ghiti), Roumain (tantar), Russe (komar), Serbe (komarac), Slovaque (komár), Espagnol (mosquito), Swahili (mbu), Suédois (mygga), Tagalog (lamók), Thaï (young), Turc (sivrisinek), Ourdou (machar), Vietnamien (muoi).


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Bundle - 1 Spray + 1 Wristband with 4 Refills

Bundle - 1 Spray + 1 Wristband with 4 Refills$39.00 USD$52.00 USD

Our traveler bundle contains a natural insect repellent spray, a mosquito repellent wristband and 4 refills. It's the perfect companion for adventurers!